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About Us

Preschool kids sitting on the floor
Chaya Elishevitz

Meet our Head of School

Chaya Elishevitz

Encouraging our youth to apply their education and integrate their learning in their lives is so important to me. I want them to feel proud and connected to our Jewish heritage, living with their Judaism every day and to use our Torah as their guiding map.


I have been a part of the MMSC team since 2008. Before becoming principal of MMSC I served as a teacher, parent liaison and assistant principal. I studied psychology and special education in New York and worked with a wide range of age groups as well as with special needs children.

I'm also certified as a Nurtured Heart Approach (NHA) trainer and have seen clearly how that approach has built students' confidence. It provides them with tools to use their G-d given unique qualities to make a difference in the world. I am so grateful that I am able to share this approach with schools across America.


My husband, Rabbi Sholom Ber Elishevitz, and I are also Chabad emissaries, and work at the Chabad of Bellevue, with a focus on youth programming. We are blessed with six children including two sets of twins and enjoy spending time with our family and community.

Every child has their unique qualities. At MMSC, we develop and nurture those qualities so they can fulfill their academic and personal potential.


- Chaya Elishevitz, Head of School

Boy on monkey bars



We aim to provide students with a meaningful, relevant, and academically rigorous Judaic and general education that enables them to pursue an educational path of their choice in high school and beyond.


Our goal is to inspire our students to utilize their unique abilities to be lamplighters in their current and future environments. We achieve this through state-of-the-art curricula, guided by Chabad teachings and rooted in timeless Jewish values while embracing and catering to each child and family's needs. We encourage each student to strive towards achieving their full potential.



Our vision is for our graduates to be well educated, knowledgeable, with a love of learning Torah and general studies, and to provide them with the tools needed to be self-learners.

With a focus on Middot (character building), our goal is for our graduates to show exemplary kindness and empathy. Indeed, we aim to imbue an awareness and an appreciation of the world at large and our responsibility to contribute to its spiritual and material continuity. Through an exploration of the Land of Israel and the study of the Hebrew language, we aim to nurture within our students a strong connection to our Holy land.

Boy playing bingo with senior



Our educational philosophy is constantly evolving through connecting with top level specialized Jewish and general educators and programs, and the best practices and programs they recommend. We are goal-oriented, meaning that every learning activity always considers the end goal, the graduate, and his or her future life. The critical educational philosophy that therefore guides us is that of Intentional Teaching.


Within the framework of Intentional Teaching, we are inspired by and focus on the practical integration of the following educational philosophies: Montessori, Differentiation, Project Based Learning, Inclusion, Voice and Choice, Integration of Technology in Education, and Hands-On Learning.

Our educational philosophies delineated above are all implemented within the Nurtured Heart Approach, a social-emotional strategy that instills greatness and transforms negative behaviors into positive behaviors, increases interrelatedness and connectivity among teachers and students, and builds "Inner Wealth" (more commonly known as character strengths and virtues).



MMSC was established in 1976 established by Rabbi and Chanie Levitin under the auspices of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. 

MMSC is a proud recipient of the Samis Foundation and the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle.

MMSC Day School &

Seattle Jewish Montessori

620 20th Ave South 

Seattle WA, 98144



Preschool-Grade 8, Jewish, private, independent school located in Seattle, Washington

© MMSC Day School & Seattle Jewish Montessori  |  Design by foggy details


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