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Support Us


Your contribution benefits the children of our entire school and helps support a meaningful education that lasts a lifetime. We greatly appreciate your support. Thank you!


You have the power to significantly impact all the children of our school and Jewish education at large. Your donation directly supports our ongoing efforts to provide supplies, resources, tools and the highest level of education. 

Sponsor Learning

Sponsor a day or week of learning. This can be made in memory or in honor of someone, or in honor of something you're celebrating!


$150 supports a day of learning

$540 supports a week of learning


Your time volunteering at our school is one of the most precious gifts you can give to our children. This shows them how much you value them and their education.


Volunteers are needed for IT help, fundraising events, class parent, PTO, and much more.

MMSC Day School &

Seattle Jewish Montessori

620 20th Ave South 

Seattle WA, 98144



Preschool-Grade 8, Jewish, private, independent school located in Seattle, Washington

© MMSC Day School & Seattle Jewish Montessori  |  Design by foggy details


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